Precise Real-time bus location

  • Your coaches and mini-buses can be tracked  by parents during transit (only the ones being used by their child/children)
  • Bus delays flagged up.

Bus LiveActivity widget

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Bus LiveActivity widget

Parents can now use the latest Live Activities Apple introduced for iOS 16.2 if they have a phone with this version or higher. With child status: Live status of your child during his bus journey even when the iPhone screen is locked (At fixture, in transit, at school, at home).

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Premium Bus LiveActivity widget with precise bus distance

Parents can view the exact minutes left for the bus to arrive at their child’s stop or to his/her destination.

Precise Real-time bus location

  • Your coaches and mini-buses can be tracked  by parents during transit (only the ones being used by their child/children)
  • Bus delays flagged up.

Bus LiveActivity widget

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Premium Bus LiveActivity widget with precise bus distance

Parents can view the exact minutes left for the bus to arrive at their child’s stop or to his/her destination.