Parent App

Parent App Login

  • A simple intuitive interface.
  • When a parent logs in for the first time, they will click on the 'New parent sign up' icon where they will enter their school registered email address. 

Parent App Home

  • The standard parent app version includes the SchoolSportTracker (bus tracking and alerts) and Transport Information modules.
  • Transport Information contains a parent user manual and any additional documents you would like parents to access via their app (route maps, pricing information).

Parent App Login

  • A simple intuitive interface.
  • When a parent logs in for the first time, they will click on the 'New parent sign up' icon where they will enter their school registered email address. 

Parent App Home

  • The standard parent app version includes the SchoolSportTracker (bus tracking and alerts) and Transport Information modules.
  • Transport Information contains a parent user manual and any additional documents you would like parents to access via their app (route maps, pricing information).

Coach Live Tracking

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Precise Real-time bus location

  • Your coaches and mini-buses can be tracked  by parents during transit (only the ones being used by their child/children)
  • Bus delays flagged up.

Bus LiveActivity widget

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Bus LiveActivity widget

Parents can now use the latest Live Activities Apple introduced for iOS 16.2 if they have a phone with this version or higher. With child status: Live status of your child during his bus journey even when the iPhone screen is locked (At fixture, in transit, at school, at home).

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Premium Bus LiveActivity widget with precise bus distance

Parents can view the exact minutes left for the bus to arrive at their child’s stop or to his/her destination.

Precise Real-time bus location

  • Your coaches and mini-buses can be tracked  by parents during transit (only the ones being used by their child/children)
  • Bus delays flagged up.

Bus LiveActivity widget

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Click on the Edit Content button to edit/add the content.
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Premium Bus LiveActivity widget with precise bus distance

Parents can view the exact minutes left for the bus to arrive at their child’s stop or to his/her destination.

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Push Notifications

  • Parents informed when their child boards or disembarks the bus (additional safeguarding). 
  • Parent receive an alert when the bus is on its way to them and when their child arrives safely at school or at their designated drop-off stop. 
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Proximity Alerts

  • Parents can set a geofence alert in a chosen area of the route and receive alerts when their child’s bus enters the selected  area. 

Proximity Alerts

  • Parents can set a geofence alert in a chosen area of the route and receive alerts when their child’s bus enters the selected  area. 

Our other apps available

Student App

Includes bus location, geofence alert, notifications and virtual transport pass (QR scanning). Possibility to add further features.

Virtual Boarding Pass

Allows students to use a QR on their student app to board the bus. The teacher simply scans the QR using an integrated scanning device.

Coach Whisper

Allow students to report (option for them to do this anonymously) any incident they experience during their bus journey (via the student app), directly to your admin panel so you are immediately alerted. Admin users can respond and communicate with the student via push notifications.

Our other apps available

Student App

Includes bus location, geofence alert, notifications and virtual transport pass (QR scanning). Possibility to add further features.

Virtual Boarding Pass

Allows students to use a QR on their student app to board the bus. The teacher simply scans the QR using an integrated scanning device.

Coach Whisper

Allow students to report (option for them to do this anonymously) any incident they experience during their bus journey (via the student app), directly to your admin panel so you are immediately alerted. Admin users can respond and communicate with the student via push notifications.